Life After The Oasis - Communicating to Inspire Action

Life After The Oasis - Communicating to Inspire Action

Lesson 6 of 6 in this unit

  • Secondary
  • Year 9 - 10
  • English
  • Persuasive writing
  • Social
  • Equality
  • Homelessness
  • Social Action
  • ...

Lesson summary

In this lesson, students will take social action to increase other people’s understanding of the complex issue of homelessness. They will refresh their memories by viewing the Life After The Oasis trailer and establish an understanding of the intention of the filmmakers in creating the documentary. Students will then view a TEDtalk that discusses how to best inspire or compel an audience to take action, before forming small groups and planning an action to encourage more people to watch the Life After The Oasis documentary film. Students will carry out their action, then reflect on the potential impact of communication by responding in writing to a reflective prompt.

Learning intentions:

Students will...

  • understand that language can compel action
  • work in groups to plan and carry out an action

Success criteria:

Students can...

  • make language choices to compel others to act
  • plan and carry out social action to increase awareness of the complex issue of homelessness

Lesson guides and printables

Lesson Plan
Student Worksheet
Teacher Content Info

Lesson details

Curriculum mapping

Australian curriculum content descriptions: 

Year 9 English:

  • Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that present a point of view and advance or illustrate arguments, including texts that integrate visual, print and/or audio features (ACELY1746)
  • Review and edit students’ own and others’ texts to improve clarity and control over content, organisation, paragraphing, sentence structure, vocabulary and audio/visual features (ACELY1747)

Year 10 English:

  • Create sustained texts, including texts that combine specific digital or media content, for imaginative, informative, or persuasive purposes that reflect upon challenging and complex issues (ACELY1756)
  • Review, edit and refine students’ own and others’ texts for control of content, organisation, sentence structure, vocabulary, and/or visual features to achieve particular purposes and effects (ACELY1757)

Syllabus outcomes: EN5-1A, EN5-2A

General capabilities: LiteracyEthical UnderstandingCritical and Creative ThinkingPersonal and social capability

Relevant parts of Year 9 achievement standards: Students understand how to use a variety of language features to create different levels of meaning. They understand how interpretations can vary by comparing their responses to texts to the responses of others. In creating texts, students demonstrate how manipulating language features and images can create innovative texts. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, comparing and evaluating responses to ideas and issues. They edit for effect, selecting vocabulary and grammar that contribute to the precision and persuasiveness of texts and using accurate spelling and punctuation.

Relevant parts of Year 10 achievement standards: Students show how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic effect. They explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the development of cohesive and logical arguments. They develop their own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices, text structures and images. Students create a wide range of texts to articulate complex ideas. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, building on others’ ideas, solving problems, justifying opinions and developing and expanding arguments. They demonstrate understanding of grammar, vary vocabulary choices for impact, and accurately use spelling and punctuation when creating and editing texts.

Unit of work: Life After The Oasis – English – Years 9 & 10

Time required:  120+ mins. This lesson could be delivered over one to two sessions

Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate class discussion and support students in planning and delivering social action

Resources required


  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Empathy
  • Ethical understanding
  • Leadership
  • Problem solving
  • Social skills

Additional info

This resource has been adapted from ‘Teaching Social Issues Through English’ developed with the English Teachers Association NSW and the ‘Youth Homelessness Matters Resource’ developed by Janice Atkin. You can find these resources here.

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